When interest rates start to climb, you might be surprised about the impact on some fixed income savings options, such as bonds.
Better Bond
Typically, when interest rates increase, bond prices will fall. With each 1% bump in interest rates, bond prices tend to drop by 1% for every year of duration.
Protect Your Clients' Portfolios
This inverse relationship may cause traditional 60/40 portfolios to decrease, along with projected retirement income.
To help protect your clients against that scenario, help diversify their savings strategies to include a WealthChoice Fixed Indexed Annuity.
Give choices that will not compromise principal.
Provide accumulation opportunities from rising interest rates with protection from market downturns with WealthChoice FIA.
Growth and Safety Advantages
A Fixed Indexed Annuity (FIA), such as WealthChoice, provides a less volatile option, especially when interest rates rise. WealthChoice delivers many financial perks, including:
Competitive crediting strategy options designed to perform well in various financial environments.
Tax-deferred compounding growth through the life of the FIA.
Protection from declines in index values.
While building retirement savings, your clients deserve choices that will not compromise their principal. When seeking accumulation opportunities from rising interest rates and protection from market downturns, WealthChoice FIA could help achieve those goals.